My element of 'Joy'
That day it rained heavily. My biggest worry was the problem of water logging which could delay my travel time to the railway station. Meanwhile by evening it had stopped. The moist air around brought some degrees decrease in the average temperature. I took my dinner and got off to sleep quickly. Somehow I felt the palpitation due to the early morning train the next day and the excitement of the leisure trip to Jaisalmer would keep me awake. I realised 'it' would not let me sleep. 'It' was allowing more electrical impulses into my heart and the ever increasing rhythm I could feel from outside. I woke up early and 'it' helped me board my train on time. Soon the train left the cultural Old Delhi railway station and with every stoppage on the way slowly 'it' filled the train to its utmost capacity. Most of them had a journey till Jodhpur , very few like me wanted to go beyond the sand dunes. 'It' started to insert colours inside the train. Men w...