
Showing posts from May, 2018

A fresh feeling !!

I feel my world is you, You make me feel new, Go grab a thing of the past and forever let it last ! Different seasons tell your story and things of glory, You don't know I was that autumn where leaves never touched the bottom. I feel like air kissed me gently and swung me slowly People adore me by seeing through eyes why you helped me to be so nice? Till we feel new Rajesh

Traffic Light (A Limerick)

Blip! Blip! the yellow blinked and the danger red winked Phat! Phat! our car stopped, and a beggar popped amidst a stormy wind. Thud! she stroke the window and here begins the show, stretched her arms for money, "Go to the next there are many", I said, her eyes looked low. Damn! the light remained red, Phew! faulty lights made us wait Impatience made it a mess, We followed the rest, no less For sure all going to be late. Fingers turned on the radio, Shh! our volumes went low Eagerness hooked onto traffic update and kids busy on the internet, where all traffic sucks? to know. Mo! Mo! that evening turned miserable A traffic light spewed curse horrible Tring! Tring! better to walk or cycle Moon will shine or stars twinkle for an evening unforgettable. Till we stuck somewhere Rajesh.....

Pressure: A Button of Calamity

Pressure was simply Force per unit area couple of decades ago and may be for some few years ago but nobody knew with time the area will shrink and would confined to few square feet which eventually would increase the pressure gradually. Now the headmaster who taught us this simple formula of Physics during our school days was oblivion of the fact and the redundancy of the practical application with the complexity of the relationships. Force was stroked out earlier as with time this has become obsolete. Pressure button is embedded somewhere in our body. It's a red button which signifies danger and most of us are unaware where this lies however those who are aware have faced the repercussions of it. Guess what the repercussions would be? A pretty simple example of a traffic red light if not honored by the people then what damage it could cause. To me Pressure is an acronym stands for " Press " and " Sure " which means if you  press  this red button you surely