Pressure: A Button of Calamity

Pressure was simply Force per unit area couple of decades ago and may be for some few years ago but nobody knew with time the area will shrink and would confined to few square feet which eventually would increase the pressure gradually. Now the headmaster who taught us this simple formula of Physics during our school days was oblivion of the fact and the redundancy of the practical application with the complexity of the relationships. Force was stroked out earlier as with time this has become obsolete.

Pressure button is embedded somewhere in our body. It's a red button which signifies danger and most of us are unaware where this lies however those who are aware have faced the repercussions of it. Guess what the repercussions would be? A pretty simple example of a traffic red light if not honored by the people then what damage it could cause. To me Pressure is an acronym stands for "Press" and "Sure" which means if you press this red button you surely gonna face the fatal consequences of it. I was wondering if I am affected by it-I felt an immense thrust to complete this article today, so yes I am.

We all hear people saying "I've so much of tension, my son is not taking his classes seriously," "I have a pressure of completing this project today," "I have a deadline at the office, have to stretch,'s month end," "My dog is not taking his feed correctly; I am in a tension," "My life is going so dull and I need some thrill," "My job sucks and I need a better one", "My flight is so bloody late and I can't attend the wedding," "I am getting famous and I desperately want to get into a relationship," "My uncle is so damn sick and doctors are taking so much time to recuperate him," "This humid weather is sickening and I want winters to be back," "Indian roads will never improve, they show their teeth when it rains," "My friend's shop is always full of customers, my shop is full of leisure time", "my friend is playing with money and I am playing with TV remote." This list is endless and we keep talking about umpteen stuff which either don't affect us or even if they do impact is minimal. All those real life snippets have one thing in common-we press the pressure button mainly due to the external factors on which we do not have any control and then we keep blaming our government, country, city, transport, neighbors and surroundings. They are our manipulations of thoughts and most of them are uncontrollable, then why do we press this button? Think of those who are yet to find this button, are they happy? Yes they are..

We press this button because we have a propensity to think more about own self. There is too much stress on 'I'. We always talk about ourselves, we don't let people to talk and listen to them and then look at the idiosyncrasy, still most of our troubles are created, as per our own theory-by them. The moment we forget about this danger button and we increase our area of affection pressure decreases automatically. Let's not blame others, let's not jealous about other's prosperity, let's not think too much about office, let's stop cursing the surroundings, let's not delve into something which we can't steer, let's not talk on those lines which you can't improve. Slowly our mind will hide this button from us. Pressure though in all situations not harmful- additional risk pulling to make more money, pushing ourselves to a more controlled and disciplined life or squeezing more to fit into the pocket of success can prove beneficial but as said earlier, as long as the button is unknown and the remote control not meant to play the blame game, zero stress and happy life are imminent. Meditate when you feel you have just discovered this button however yet to press it.

Until you feel relaxed..
Author Rajesh


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