Sucessful or 'Sucess-fool'?

Sir Isaac Newton once said 'Every action has an equal and opposite reaction' which means whatever we do, an equal and opposite force tries to oppose the act we do. Sometimes its beneficial and sometimes its destructive. This law of physics never stops us from putting action in-spite of knowing the end result or in other words 'the reaction' ; then why do some people achieve everything and some fail to do so?

 The question arises- How on earth can someone be successful? because the action we grave in, the reaction would refrain us from achieving our objective. Lets take some examples- 
a) After three unsuccessful attempts someone summits the Everest in his or her fourth attempt. 
b) Someone clears civil services exam after three unsuccessful attempts. 
c) Someone making a huge wealth after leading many years as a destitute.
All these examples definitely have got some action but we are surprised, din't they face the reaction? They did. They had reactions each time they had tried to do something new. They bravely fought the adversities, learnt new ways to make themselves tough and stubborn, kept their dream and goal alive and one fine day, they conquered their dreams.

We all run for success, in fact Success is like a journey from point A to B. Point A is where I am currently in and B, where I want to be in some time from now, provided we are trying to promote ourselves up the ladder. Bringing a change in our life and challenging the status quo is one such theory which dominated the success stories world over.

We usually do same activities on a daily basis and then expect the result to be different. We ain't gonna get our objectives this way. A Runner running one kilometre everyday cannot increase his stamina unless he gradually increases the distance. A Tennis ball thrown at the wall cannot become a football while rebounding at us. The Everest Climber described above had a strong desire due to which he or she might have trained harder everyday to achieve the goal. The destitute above had seen a dream of keeping him or herself alive and then challenged his or her status quo everyday to become a rich person. Winston Churchill once said " Success is not final and failure is not fatal, it's the courage to continue that counts."

So the question raised above sets the tone for a general understanding which confirms 'the reactions' are like pebbles in our smooth path which will try to deter us from our dreams and goals but our desire must be strong enough to melt them like wax. 'The reactions' are like fatal bruises while fighting with the odds but then they will heal naturally when we show the God our bigger purpose in life. 'The reactions' are those adversities which erupts in our way every now and then but we keep our hope alive to extinguish them with our determination.

Till we get success,


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