A Friday Night !!

A Friday Night

That gory night was without moon,
all I heard was freaking noise of Crickets
Sheepishly I walked toward the lamp lit corner
though sudden gust of wind blew it down
I urged for the day to arrive soon !!

 I banged open the door in despair
and looked for someone to free me
from the shackles of Friday, the 13th
but my hope looked colorless as water
on the smudges of dreary air.

The house was dark and looked dismal
except my echo nobody was kind
to respond to my gloomy voice,
for all the hardships I had faced
my escape did not look formal.

That forest had a blind maze,
with more of darkness and solitariness
apprehensions of being lost strengthened.
My prayers couldn't jump high in spite of 
banging in through different ways.

My watch looked dead
and the sun was running equally late,
Jaded ! I squatted on nearby soft grasses
and my fingers sneaked into my bag
to grab the chocolate and a stale bread.

Soon my eyes grew weaker
and a strong slumber caged me in.
Those grasses had their sap out;
looked lifeless on my jacket and
and few on my soiled sneaker.

That night never saw any morning
which put me into a dreadful sleep
and the dream which shivered me out
took me back to the dream I had 
in that busy Sunday morning.

Till we dream again..
Rajesh Banerjee

Copyright: All rights reserved


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